HTML Introduction

What is HTML?

  • HTML is an initialism for "HyperText Markup Language".
  • It is the language of the web.
  • It is used to create websites.
  • It is used to define a page layout, meaning it is a barebone page structure.
  • HTML is used for making pages of the website also called webpages that we see on the internet
  • It consists of a set of tags.
  • This set of tags is written in HTML Document.
  • ".html" or ".htm" is the extension.
  • There are so many versions of HTML but HTML5 is the latest version.


Features of HTML

  • It is platform-independent.
  • Images, videos, and audio can be added to a web page.
  • Hypertext can be added to the text.
  • It is a markup language.
  • It is interpreted as language
  • It can be integrated with other languages like CSS, JavaScript, etc.
  • Semantic Structure.
  • local Storage & Indexed DB – Client-side data storage.
  • Offline Capabilities (PWA) with Cache API & Service Workers.
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